Melodyne 5 cakewalk
Melodyne 5 cakewalk

melodyne 5 cakewalk

I'll normally do about 5 takes and chop the best parts. I've been using auto-tune since I was a kid and have used Waves tune, Antares, Melodyne and Logic's plugins. Not amazing and don't have a huge range but still when I record 'pristine' no matter what I do. I sing in bands and solo my whole life and I'm good.

melodyne 5 cakewalk

If they're that bad at singing where they feel they need to do all this nonsense live, how do they actually sound good on the record? The answer to me is not auto-tune and this is why. Am I right about all this? I can't think of any other way. Or do all of the above or a combination at once (smh). Sing without a track but run a live autotune send (this seems sketch to me like it could go horribly wrong is that actually true or is it all just post?). If they're on a TV show, they don't sing to a track but it's not really live and they process the vocals after (again, hate it). Perform with a vocal track behind (which I hate so much even on some of my favourite songs, like whats the point of it being live. The only difference is they don't need as much where it becomes audible.Īlso, the singers and rappers who just really can't sing well enough to perform raw will do one of four things (if I'm wrong then tell me). I'm also sure that some really elite singers who do not use it live will use it in the studio to some extent. First of all I like auto-tune, I don't think it sounds bad in the right genre and a lot of the music I love wouldn't of been produced if it didn't exist. This age old question sounds simple but actually it's a lot harder to answer.

Melodyne 5 cakewalk